Active Health

Opening times not provided


Active Health is a free and confidential one-to-one advice service for people (aged 16+) living in the NHS Highland area who would like to become more active to help their physical and/or mental health.

We offer an initial meeting to talk through your barriers to being active (these might include not knowing what to do, lacking motivation, pain, fear, and not knowing where to start...) and help you come up with a plan to start doing more activity, either by yourself or with existing groups. We have a wealth of information about what's available in your part of Highland and can link you to groups, websites, and ideas to start being more active.

At the end of your first meeting, you should have a plan of what you're going to do, how often, how much, and with who, which fits with your level of activity, what you want to do, and what's available in your area.

You can have a number of follow-up meetings to review how you're getting on, tweak your plan if needed and celebrate your successes.

Services Offered

  • Isolation and Loneliness

Contact details


Last Updated: 23/05/2024
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