Values and Behaviours Framework

Welcome to the NHS 24 Values and Behaviours Framework. This framework defines how we can all contribute to the success of the organisation, and to our own successes as individuals.

The identified behaviours demonstrate the attitude and approach we should bring to our work, and encompass how we do things, how we treat others and how we can expect to be treated. We listened to our colleagues in the development of this work. Their vital feedback has helped to shape this framework, identify the desired behaviours that stem from our organisational values and demonstrate how we live these in a practical sense. This approach will promote a supportive, inclusive and values led culture as a healthy environment to support our collective efforts to achieve NHS 24 priorities and ultimately to help people to access the right care in the right place.

As a service we capture what we do very well. This framework builds on this and provides a common language for how we go about our daily work. Behavioural indicators are a signal from the organisation to the individual, of the expected areas and levels of behavioural performance. They provide each member of staff with an understanding of the behaviours that are valued and recognised.

The setting out of these behaviours supports our leaders to lead with a values-based future focus and allows every single member of staff within NHS 24 to hold themselves accountable for how they do things.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

How to use the Values and Behaviours Framework

There are specific behaviours outlined which demonstrate each of the four NHS 24 values of:

  • Care and Compassion
  • Dignity and Respect
  • Openness, Honesty, and Responsibility
  • Quality and Teamwork

Each value has four behavioural descriptors to illustrate how that value should be demonstrated day to day within the organisation. The demonstration of these values is required of every person within NHS 24 as a base level, regardless of their role – a person cannot be said to be successful if they do not meet and demonstrate these values on a regular basis.

Values and indicators

Definition: A commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment, where everyone is valued and treated with respect. Care and Compassion guide our interactions with colleagues, patients, and partners, and serve as a foundation for building meaningful relationships.


  • we listen attentively and seek to understand
  • we assume positive intent
  • we demonstrate empathy and appreciation for others
  • we look after our own wellbeing and that of others

Definition: Fostering clarity, trust, and accountability in all of our interactions, whether they be with colleagues, patients or partners. The value of openness, honesty, and responsibility is the commitment to be truthful, transparent, ethical, and accountable in work.


  • we are open to feedback for the purpose of improvement (self, team, organisation, service)
  • we show willingness to change and learn from our mistakes
  • we take personal responsibility for our own performance
  • we focus on how what we do affects others

Definition: Treating everyone with fairness, courtesy, and kindness, regardless of differences in background, belief, or opinion. Building trust and credibility in our interactions with others. Creating a positive work environment which is inclusive, respectful, and empowering.


  • we understand the value that diversity offers
  • we demonstrate respect for all people and their beliefs, values, cultures, and individual needs
  • we communicate with kindness and courtesy
  • we remain calm when faced with provocation and think how to best manage the situation

Definition: Striving for quality and excellence in all our endeavours and setting a high standard for ourselves and demonstrating our dedication to our patients across Scotland. This is coupled with working collaboratively to achieve our common goals, and leverage individual strengths and expertise, resulting in better outcomes and improved efficiency.


  • we share our knowledge and experience, and encourage others
  • we are loyal to both our team and to decisions taken
  • we work collaboratively with others to get things done, give help and support colleagues
  • we go the extra mile to deliver an excellent service

Key behaviours

In addition to the values, there are a further six qualities which foster key behaviours for every person within NHS 24, dependent on their role. These key behaviours act as building blocks on top of the foundation of the values and are layered dependent on the individual staff member’s role and level of responsibility within the organisation. The key behaviours are articulated positively, detailing the desirable aspects, with some limited negative behavioural indicators presented in each area to support clarity and understanding.

These key behaviours further expand on and develop the foundation level of the behaviours associated with NHS 24 values, and are grouped into three clusters, with two additional behaviours in each totalling six key behaviours overall.

Essential Level – all staff within NHS 24 are expected to meet the NHS 24 values and all behaviours at essential level.

Middle Level – all staff at bands 5-7 are expected to meet the NHS 24 values and all behaviours at both Essential and Middle Level.

Senior Level all staff at bands 8a+ are expected to meet the NHS 24 values and all behaviours at Essential, Middle and Senior Levels.

Executive Level all staff at Executive Level are expected to meet the NHS 24 values and all behaviours at Essential, Middle, Senior and Executive Levels.

Working with others

Having good working relationships with colleagues and effective alliances with external partners will help create an organisation people want to work with. This helps us to continue to deliver on our strategic priorities.

Essential Level:
  • I build rapport quickly with people at all levels and from different backgrounds
  • I actively engage with others and I am open to their ideas
  • I identify and take steps to resolve conflict between myself and others
  • I make others feel comfortable and respected by being positive and friendly
  • I share relevant information openly with colleagues within and outside my own team

I am less successful when I:

  • interact inappropriately with others
  • don’t consider the impact of my own behaviour on others
Middle Level:
  • I help others appreciate how their work contributes to NHS 24 priorities
  • I recognise the needs of others, the constraints they face and how to gain their engagement
  • I understand differences, anticipate areas of conflict, and take preemptive action
  • I identify opportunities for joint working to minimise duplication and deliver shared goals
  • I support my team and foster an environment where others feel respected and valued

I am less successful when I:

  • make little effort to maintain contact or relationships
  • limit interaction to a chosen few
Senior Level:
  • I understand and openly recognise the contributions that staff at all levels make to delivering priorities
  • I actively challenge and address ‘silo attitudes’ to encourage effective relationship building inside and outside of NHS 24
  • I create an environment where collaborative working flourishes and creates tangible benefits for all
  • I adapt my style to work effectively with internal and external partners, building consensus,trust, and respect
  • I deliver my objectives by bringing together diverse stakeholders to work effectively in partnership

I am less successful when I:

  • miss opportunities to work in partnership
  • only build relationships with those similar to myself
Executive Level:
  • I identify and engage a diverse range of influential contacts within stakeholder groups and partner organisations
  • I build alliances to establish mutually beneficial working arrangements, openly sharing knowledge and insights
  • I understand the complexities of political dynamics and use this to manage relationships and resolve conflict effectively
  • I identify clear win-win situations and collaborate with external partners
  • I explain future changes in a way that inspires hope and reassures staff, patients, and the public

I am less successful when I:

  • build relationships with limited contacts, or those from local or similar stakeholder groups
  • form one sided partnership arrangements that only benefit NHS 24

We want to effectively engage with our diverse range of colleagues, service users and stakeholders. We want to ensure they understand, respond to what we do and help us to deliver.

Essential Level:
  • I represent myself and my team positively within the organisation
  • I use positive, respectful language to motivate and encourage others
  • I consider the target audience, adapting my style and communication method accordingly
  • I use evidence and real examples to influence and persuade, rather than expecting people to understand my views
  • I am always respectful of the backgrounds, opinions, and differences of others, and maintain necessary confidentiality

I am less successful when I:

  • communicate in a way that others find difficult to understand
  • present views negatively or without conviction
Middle Level:
  • I present a credible and positive image both internally and externally
  • I communicate openly and inclusively with internal and external stakeholders
  • I run productive and constructive team meetings where everyone is given an opportunity to get involved
  • I am open and honest with my team, and deliver difficult messages in an appropriate manner
  • I know when to escalate issues to senior staff and consider the best method of communicating with them

I am less successful when I:

  • avoid challenging conversations
  • gossip or complain about other people or their work without confronting
    the issue
Senior Level:
  • I make time to communicate, listen and respond to staff and stakeholders
  • I deliver difficult messages sensitively and in a timely manner
  • I persuade and influence colleagues through trust and open dialogue
  • I feedback management decisions confidently
  • I establish what is important and find ways to communicate this across the organisation

I am less successful when I:

  • use influence without integrity
  • do not listen to staff views
Executive Level:
  • I advocate positively for NHS 24 both within and outside the organisation
  • I instil a corporate commitment to accessible communication
  • I communicate with credibility and conviction, encouraging buy-in to the corporate position
  • I ensure that the organisation communicates inclusively with staff and external stakeholders
  • I am politically aware and understand formal and informal politics at the national level; this allows me to create long-term links and work effectively within decision-making structures

I am less successful when I:

  • allow my personal views to be distorted or influenced inappropriately by others
  • push through own agenda, rather than acting in line with NHS 24 organisational priorities

Managing performance and supporting development

We want to perform at the highest standard to deliver an excellent service to the people of Scotland and to take pride in what we do as individuals, as teams and as an organisation.

Essential Level:
  • I consistently strive to provide a quality service
  • I act on feedback and suggestions to continuously improve the service I offer
  • I respond promptly to requests and queries
  • I act to prevent problems by identifying issues, reporting them, and finding solutions
  • I share ideas and suggestions on how to improve what we do

I am less successful when I:

  • speak negatively about NHS 24 to people outside of the organisation
  • lose focus on the overall aims and priorities of NHS 24
Middle Leaders:
  • I make my expectations clear, ensuring people have a sense of direction and purpose
  • I recognise performance, encouraging and building enthusiasm
  • I am prepared to have constructive conversations to address underperformance
  • I celebrate success and praise people for doing a good job
  • I identify barriers that inhibit performance in my team and take steps to resolve these

I am less successful when I:

  • avoid dealing with underperformance, putting off difficult conversations
  • expect people to do well without needing encouragement or praise for good work
Senior Leaders:
  • I ensure that my decisions balance the needs of my team with those of the wider organisation
  • I motivate and inspire others to deliver challenging goals
  • I demonstrate long term strategic thinking, considering how NHS 24 operates in the broader environment
  • I ensure that everyone understands their role in helping the organisation achieve its priorities
  • I give clear feedback, recognising both strengths and development needs

I am less successful when I:

  • am not always clear in defining objectives, expectations, and direction to others
  • focus on delivering results without making time to develop people
Executive Leaders:
  • I set out a compelling vision and strategy, inspiring people to achieve it
  • I identify areas for improvement and make appropriate changes to reach professional excellence
  • I actively promote the reputation of NHS 24 with pride, both internally and externally
  • I display passion and enthusiasm for our work, helping colleagues and stakeholders to fully engage with the priorities and vision
  • I ensure risks are monitored and managed to prevent issues with service disruption, wherever possible

I am less successful when I:

  • respond to immediate needs without considering longer term issues or wider implications
  • accept information at face value and don’t pay attention to detail

Every one of us has responsibilities in the ways we work. We all contribute to organisational culture and operational success and have ownership over how we show up each day.

Essential Level:
  • I approach tasks with enthusiasm, focusing on public service excellence
  • I recognise where I can help others and willingly take on additional tasks to support them, where appropriate
  • I take responsibility for my own actions and keep my promise
  • I admit if I have made a mistake and take action to rectify this
  • I understand my own strengths and areas for development, and take responsibility for my own learning to address gaps

I am less successful when I:

  • do not trust, respect, or engage constructively with my colleagues
  • focus only on my own priorities and don’t take a fair share of the workload
Middle Level:
  • I take personal responsibility for seeing work through to a satisfactory conclusion, and for correcting any problems both promptly and openly
  • I proactively create a culture of ownership within my areas of work and support others to display personal responsibility
  • I actively encourage and support learning within my team
  • I follow and implement Workforce policies and procedures, seeking relevant support to do so where required
  • I am vigilant for inappropriate behaviours and immediately address these

I am less successful when I:

  • do not take responsibility for addressing difficult situations
  • deviate from organisational policy or process
Senior Level:
  • I act as a role model by showing efficiency and focus, while being open to new ideas and honest about challenges
  • I create space for people to undertake development opportunities and improve their performance
  • I put measures in place that allow for delegated decision making, supporting others to improve their performance
  • I share my own expertise to support teams to succeed
  • I anticipate the long-term impact of economic, political, environmental, social, and technological developments on NHS 24

I am less successful when I:

  • act without considering the wider impact on other parts of the business
  • tell staff what to do without explaining why it’s needed or why it’s important
Executive Level:
  • I develop and maintain an organisational commitment to empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own learning
  • I evaluate my own effectiveness and plan ways to develop
  • I promote fiscal responsibility by delivering the principles of best value
  • I drive a performance culture across the organisation which gives teams space and authority to deliver objectives, whilst holding them accountable for outcomes
  • I ensure all colleagues and stakeholders are clear about the impacts of poor service and communication

I am less successful when I:

  • accept outcomes that do not meet the needs of the organisation
  • set standards that are unclear, unrealistic, or too challenging

Transforming the service

We need to have a broad view, understand the bigger picture, and look ahead to identify current and future challenges and opportunities. This helps us to promote and deliver organisational priorities more effectively.

Essential Level:
  • I make it a priority to ensure my work contributes to the delivery of NHS 24 objectives and priorities
  • I recognise what specific actions need to be taken to contribute to NHS 24 objectives
  • I show consideration for wider organisational implications of my work
  • I recognise the different parts of NHS 24 and how they work together to achieve our shared goals
  • I work to my own annual objectives, which align with my manager’s, and wider NHS 24 priorities

I am less successful when I:

  • am unaware of how my own work contributes to the wider NHS 24 vision
  • maintain a narrow focus with little awareness of issues that impact my work
Middle Level:
  • I work with a future focus, prioritising my own and others’ work in line with NHS 24 priorities
  • I brief and prepare my team to accomplish our objectives and goals
  • I balance my own team’s needs with wider organisational needs
  • I communicate strategic priorities in a compelling and convincing way, encouraging buy in
  • I seek to understand the wider factors which contribute to our success

I am less successful when I:

  • fail to identify changes in priorities that will impact own work area
  • develop my own objectives which don’t reflect the strategic vision of NHS 24
Senior Level:
  • I translate NHS 24 strategy into practical and tangible plans for teams
  • I challenge myself and others to consider the long-term potential of NHS 24
  • I inform strategy development by identifying gaps in current delivery or evidence
  • I consistently take account of the wider implications of my teams’ actions on NHS 24
  • I examine the opportunities and threats facing my part of the service

I am less successful when I:

  • fail to encourage others to think of the longer term and wider implications of actions
  • communicate the strategy and direction of the organisation in a vague or inconsistent manner
Executive Level:
  • I demonstrate confidence in the strategic direction of NHS 24, developing a positive and compelling vision of future potential
  • I translate an understanding of the complex and diverse issues facing the organisation into positive action
  • I set organisational priorities by identifying where time and investment will have the most impact
  • I generate and lead strategic initiatives that reflect NHS 24’s position as a national board
  • I constantly horizon scan to ensure foresight of issues and opportunities

I am less successful when I:

  • set strategies that do not align with the overall strategic priorities
  • fail to realise the potential of NHS 24

We operate in a challenging, responsive context that is constantly changing. We need to respond to this positively and resiliently to ensure we continue to meet the needs and expectations of our service users and stakeholders.

Essential Level:
  • I am open to new ideas and having my own viewpoint challenged
  • I am reflective, learn from my mistakes and seek to develop myself
  • I take a flexible approach, adapting rapidly to new circumstances and ways of working
  • I learn from my experiences and do not let myself be unduly influenced by preconceptions
  • I share suggestions with colleagues, speaking up to help improve existing working methods and practices

I am less successful when I:

  • resist change and prefer to do things how they have always been done
  • tend to undermine and criticise others’ ideas for improvement and change
Middle Level:
  • I participate fully and encourage others to engage in change initiatives
  • I manage my team’s wellbeing and support them to develop resilience which will enable them to champion change
  • I use challenges as an opportunity to learn and improve
  • I anticipate and adapt flexibly to changing requirements
  • I maintain a focus on key priorities and deliverables, staying resilient in the face of pressure

I am less successful when I:

  • lose focus when priorities change, or the situation is pressurised
  • seem unaware of the impact of change on others
Senior Level:
  • I give people space to take initiative and praise them for their creativity
  • I am receptive to challenge and feedback, and continually seek to improve
  • I constructively challenge the status quo, striving for continuous improvement
  • I use change as an opportunity to improve ways of working, encouraging others’ buy-in
  • I provide space and encouragement to help others stand back from day-to- day activities to review their direction, approach, and gain perspective to identify improvements

I am less successful when I:

  • revert to tried and tested methods without considering alternatives
  • don’t fully engage with a change that I may personally disagree with
Executive Level:
  • I understand and identify the role of technology in patient care
  • I consider the full impact of implementing change on culture, structure, morale, and impact on service users
  • I approve changes which are valuable, and I clearly articulate how changes will benefit the business
  • I provide constructive challenge to senior leaders on change proposals
  • I encourage, recognise, and share innovative ideas from a diverse range of colleagues and stakeholders

I am less successful when I:

  • am not abreast of current and future developments in the wider context
  • wait for external factors to force change

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