Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement applies to the NHS 24 website (

The NHS 24 website:

  • is designed to be accessible and usable for everyone
  • is written in plain English – making information easy to read and understand
  • has alternative text and subtitles for media content (where appropriate)

Conformance statement

NHS 24 is committed to providing a website that is usable and accessible to all. In accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard.

This is due to the following non-compliances:

  • most older PDF documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software
  • line height or spacing of text can’t be modified


The NHS 24 website has been tested using the following web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 9 and above (Windows)
  • Firefox 46 (Windows and Mac)
  • Chrome 50 (Windows and Mac)
  • Safari 9 (Mac)

The website has been tested using the following mobile browsers:

  • Mobile Safari* (iOS7 and above)
  • Internet Explorer Mobile 9* (Windows Phone 8 and above)
  • Android Browser* (Android 4 and above)
  • Chrome for Android 50.0*

*The core experience of the website will be supported. However, some of the richer features might not be supported.

Screen readers

The website is compatible with modern screen readers and other assistive technologies.


This website uses ReachDeck. This is a free tool that allows you to read and listen to information from your browser. You can do this on any device.

The ReachDeck tool:

  • reads information out aloud
  • simplifies pages
  • adds a mask for touch screens
  • highlights text
  • makes MP3 recordings
  • magnifies text
  • reads PDFs
  • allows you to change pronunciation

How to use the tool

To use the tool:

  • click the ReachDeck icon (circle with a person in it) at the top of the page
  • select a tool from the toolbar
  • highlight or click any text to hear it read aloud


If you have any issues with the ReachDeck tool, email

Accessibility features

Most computers and browsers have accessibility features. These can help you use the web in a way that best suits your needs.

The BBC have published accessibility guides for some of these features.

Accessibility help

You can complete a feedback form to:

  • report an accessibility problem
  • request details about our accessibility standards

You can also contact us to request health information in a different language or format.

Related information